Famous Artists – Bob Ross

We learn about a variety of artists and another different one we decided to take a look at was an American T.V. artist called Bob Ross .

He had a show in the 80’s and 90’s called The Joy of Painting where he showed you in real time how to paint a landscape picture.  So using one of his tutorials and using watercolour paint, we painted a mountain range with trees and a river.

He has the most calming voice and made it simple to follow. It was fun and the results were good. I’d like to do another of his tutorials one day..


Elsa’s Interest In Rock Climbing

We went on holiday and I did a rock climbing activity. I managed to get to the top on most of them.  There was also a timed wall and on my first try I got exactly the same time as the person who was quickest at 37.00 seconds.  I tried again and got quicker knocking nearly 17 seconds off my time to get 20.24.

This week, we are home, so we decided to go to a local rock climbing centre.  There are a lot of climbing walls there and Anna went on them as well.  She completed the big cheese one. I managed to get to the top of all of the ones I tried. There is also a timing wall there which I tried and got time of 15.24 seconds.