Crochet lesson with AM

Elsa’s Auntie asked me back in the summer whether Elsa would like to try a crochet lesson.  She knew of this quaint little shop near where she lives who offer workshops.

Well it’s craft related so obviously ‘yes please AM’ 🙂

Off they went to have a lovely little lunch, an interesting crochet lesson and a cake and drink afterwards.  Lucky Elsa.  All I did that day was my cleaning. 🙂


Since she’s been home she’s continued to do this and has even tried to teach me (failed, but I blame it on being a lefty, but I’ll keep trying when she does it).

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We are working towards making a little rose…. watch this space.



Ministry of Science

When you homeschool, you have the opportunity to do things, you would be unable to do if you went to school and one of those is go to the theatre during the day.  When we decided to homeschool, I looked around for things of ‘educational interest’ for Elsa to do and coming to Norwich in September was Ministry of Science.  Woo Hoo explosions 🙂

Elsa, Anna and myself went along with one of Elsa’s friends.

There was explosions, there was a human cannon, there was lightsabres, there was liquid nitrogen, there was history about inventors.  It was brilliant and very noisy.  Shame my camera was rubbish that day 🙁

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So it begins…..

We have officially started home-schooling.  We are semi structured which means that we do some sit down schooling and the rest of the time we learn other ways. Elsa has a little desk area, which we lovingly named the Harry Potter Study (due to it being under our stairs).  She sometimes sits in here but mostly we use our living room table.


I had a quick look at the Year 4 curriculum online (which is where Elsa would be should she still be in school) and decided that I would not really stick to it at all, however, most days Elsa does Maths, English, Science and Geography plus topic work (which we can do when Anna is at home as I collate age stuff appropriate for her to do).

We have an set of organisational trays which Elsa has labelled herself.  I put the subjects I want her to do each day on the left hand side of the drawer and when she’s finished them, she moved the velcro subject indicators over to the right hand side of the drawers.  She doesn’t have to do all of the subjects each day. She has also chosen subjects she would like to learn such as more in depth Senses, the Romans, Space, Diwali, Pirates (the list is endless and to be honest I’m not sure how we are going to fit it all in).

There are some subjects which are at certain times of year (such as Diwali being in November) so we will be doing those around then.

The first thing we decided we would do was learn a bit about Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II as this month coincided with our Queen becoming the longest reigning monarch in history.  Elsa decided what information she’d like to research and after a discussion we thought we’d try a lapbook.  She got going using books and the Royal website along with images found online.  We finished with writing a letter to the Queen congratulating her on this amazing achievement.  We received a lovely letter back from a Lady-in-Waiting which has taken pride of place in her study.

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