Mission 5 and it’s the penultimate Mission. This time it was split into Science, Maths and English again.
As always, we watched Jon’s video, this weeks was a little bit sadder as Mini Jon Space Cadet had gone missing. 🙁
How do we measure a day?
We watched several interesting videos which explained about how the sun affected days and nights on earth.
Elsa and I discussed this and then she drew a picture which showed how this happens and described about the earth revolving on it’s axis affected where it was night and day.
Mission 5 Part 1 Complete
How does your day on Earth compare to an astronauts on the ISS?
Elsa know that on the ISS they see a sunrise and sunset every 45 minutes and that they need to sleep to regular time as opposed to following them.
We were given information about what the astronauts do in a 24 hour period and Elsa had to work out her own day, then compare the two. She chose to do a bar chart as it was easier to see the differences. She then wrote about them on the makewaves website.
Mission 5 Part 2 Complete
How can you support Tim?
To complete this task we were asked to do this is a blog so Elsa created a blog post on this website.
I then tweeted the link to Tim and he ‘liked’ it 🙂
Mission 5 Part 3 Complete
Elsa uploaded all her work to the Makewaves website and has been awarded her badge.